Sifsbeastiary Wiki
MA-124 hunter y
MA-124 hunter y
an MA-124 hunter y


6 ft.


180 lbs.



The gamma model of Hunter was developed by Umbrella Europe as part of a reinvestigation into amphibian-based B.O.W.s, which failed ten years earlier with Dr. Marcus' Lurker.

An amphibian version of the Hunter, the Gamma model has no eyes or teeth. Instead, it has a large mouth that allows it to swallow its prey whole and small claws on their webbed hands. They were secretly being harvested in tubes within a small lab in the Raccoon General Hospital, and make their home in the watery areas of the basement of the hospital. Unlike the previous frog-based experiment, the Lurker , they retain the increased intellect due to previous Hunter research. However, due to their amphibious nature, they are exceedingly difficult to transport and maintain. Additionally, another factor that adds to their weaknesses is the fact that they cannot resist dry air or heat, and thus must be kept in strict watery environments only to ensure its survival, so at first they were not meant to be mass-produced.

A variant of the Gamma was being stored in the water treatment facility underneath Raccoon University, which lacked claws. These Hunters reacted well to the damp, subterranean environment and the pools of water in the plant.

While being considered improper for a B.O.W. due to the conditions necessary for survival, Umbrella continued to produce the Gamma model as recently as 2002, where it sold a number into the hands of Javier Hidalgo.