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great thunderbug
Great thunderbug
a great thunderbug


5 in.


70 oz.


electric bolts

The Great Thunderbugs are small wisping globes of light, which appear to be swarming Thunderbugs. They are about the size of a Vespoid , and have a tendency to wisp around the area rather than attack hunters.

They are also known to change into two different colors: blue and reddish-white. When in its normal and docile state, they are blue, but when attempting to attack, the blue hue becomes a fierce, glowing reddish-white, at which time they will harm hunters with strong electrical currents.

They are naturally found in the Tower and Jungle. Eyewitness reports also claim that some elder dragons are hosts to them, providing a safe environment in which to mature. A famous example of this is the Yama Tsukami . However Thunderbugs from the Yama Tsukami are different, in that they can explode.

When slain, there's a small chance that they will drop an item. Only 6 different items can be collected from them. They cannot be killed by poison, in the same way as Vespoids or Hornetaurs , to ensure a higher drop rate.